Mobility in Patrol Vehicles: Enhanced Safety and Connectivity

Capabilities once available only in traditional offices, the combination of geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), records management systems (RMS), mobile wireless report entry (MRE), and automatic vehicle location (AVL) with CAD and MDT software has increased the ability of departments to control and monitor their patrol functions. Since implementation, computerization and technology have expanded exponentially. Few agencies benefit more from mobility than law enforcement. In addition, this mobility has expanded into vehicles across the landscape for full Smart City solutions.  

Attendees will learn the foundational computing on the edge components for solving mobility needs that begins with law enforcement and expands to other vehicles in a Safe/Smart City full solution.  Attendees will also learn the value add of partnering with SYNNEX GOVSolv in solving these challenges for State/Local Government through the integration of technology.  

Components visible upon registration.